Minutes – July 2021


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Chair: Kelly Chia

In Attendance

Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Jacob Mattie (Collective Members Representative)
Kelly Chia (Employee Members Representative / Chair)
Angela Wachowich (At-Large Representative)
Emma Dunbar (At-Large Representative)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Meera Eragoda (Editor-In-Chief)


Call to Order

Approval of Agenda
Angela, Jacob
All in Favour

Approval of Past Minutes from June 16, 2021
Jacob, Angela
All in Favour

Financial Updates

Membership Report
Yuri to present (74 members)

Back to the office plan in Fall (space update)
Yuri to lead the discussion
SFSS working on Peak lease renewal, to present with draft soon (ideally add maintenance and heating)
SFSS is working on the booking process for SUB, working on information for booking process
Everyone will remain remote, maybe we will have hybrid pitch meetings in the SUB dependent on the booking process

Discussion of Peak investments
Table this discussion for later information

Discussion of Copy Editor and EIC pay raise
Yuri and Meera to lead the discussion
Meera presented an updated job description for copy editor
Job description, working hours, and managerial role of EiC is currently intimidating considering the pay for EIC
Discuss increasing contributor pay at a later meeting

Motion to approve Copy Editor updated job description
Angela, Pablo
All in Favour

Motion to approve Copy Editor pay increase to 390 per week and Editor-in-Chief to 500 per week starting from fall 2021.
Jacob, Angela
All in Favour

Discussion of Editor transition
The transition might be easier in-person
Delegating more job duties to give staff ideas of what the work process is like?

12:13 PM

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