University Life Hacks: Fashion tips


As if getting good grades in university wasn’t hard enough, trying to find something nice to wear to your lectures and tutorials is super troublesome! Fear not, though: The Peak has you covered in your first month of classes with some nifty University Life Hacks to turn your wardrobe from geeky to chic-y!


  1. Invest your hard-earned cash (or allowance) in pair of loafers. They’re more comfortable and fashionable than converse sneaker, and casual enough to go with anything. Plus, loafers scream university student elegance.


  1. Wear a watch. It could very well help you arrive to places on time. Your dead smartphone ain’t doing you any favors. And if it doesn’t — well, wearing a watch says, “Hey, I know I’m late. It’s called fashion. I’m fashion-ably late.”


  1. Place a pair of reading glasses above your head when you’re working on homework. It will make you look sophisticated and intelligent. It will also hide the fact that you have no idea what you’re doing in the slightest.


  1. Trade in your polo shirts for some argyle sweaters. Everybody loves a sexy checkerboard on their chest.


  1. Avoid plaid clothing like it’s the plague — unless of course it’s paired with loafers. Then it’s totally cool.

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