Woohoo Boohoo: Potato salad, fruit, and growing up

Worth every penny!

Woohoo: >$70,000 for potato salad

A dude in the US recently started a kickstarter campaign to raise ten dollars to make a potato salad for himself. A lot of people got on board, and he now has over $70,000. Good for the guy!

Boohoo: >$70,000 for potato salad

The guy got over $70,000 for being ironic. Seriously? This is what people care about? Fun is fun, but how much could $70,000 have done otherwise?! Plus, this guy stole my idea.

Woohoo: Perfect, glowing fruit

I, for one, become ecstatic when surrounded in a supermarket by perfect fruits, identical in size, colour, and wax-coated flavour. I’m not even sure if they count as fruits anymore they taste so good!

Boohoo: Birds are dying

Recent research from the Netherlands suggests that a widely-used class of insecticides are responsible for the decreased populations of 14 species of birds. Now, I’m all for killing off every bee on earth, but birds are pretty!

Woohoo: Being an adult

Living on my own has been a pretty sweet experience so far. I can’t tell you how much I just walk around naked in my house. So much!

Boohoo: Cleaning my house

Where does all this dirt come from?! And those smells?! There’s a distinct bathroom smell and a distinct kitchen smell, neither of which I ever want to smell on a regular basis. But cleaning takes so looooong, when there’s eating and naked-living to do.

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