SFU Backhanded Compliments


This is a social project intended to counteract POSITIVITY at SFU.

E-mail a backhanded compliment to humour@the-peak.ca and we will publish it anonymously.


To the person who asked the professor at the end of my History 204 lecture if there were going to be tutorials during the first week:

“Thank you for reminding the professor to tell us that we in fact did have to go to tutorials this week. He said that he had completely forgotten about them and that if you hadn’t reminded him we would’ve had the first week off. Thanks for looking out for everybody and making sure that I didn’t have to spend a whole extra week sleeping in on Fridays.”


To the girl on the 135 bus in the red jacket and blue shorts:

“I was having a really long, terrible day until I got on the bus and got to hear your music blaring out of your headphones. Listening to whatever Lady Gaga song you were playing come through your tiny, shitty speakers really saved me from accidentally falling asleep and catching up on some of the sleep I missed last night.”


To Nathan Antonio

“Last night I thought I was going to have to just stay home and watch TV all by myself without having anyone barge in and tell me how much Frasier sucks, then change the channel and eat all the leftover chinese food I was saving for lunch tomorrow. Thanks, buddy!”

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