14 creative sitting postures for online lectures


Written by Hannah Davis, Peak Associate

The best thing about online classes is that you can sit any way you want to. Every student hates how in-person classes mean you’re confined to regular seated positions in a regular chair. Butt in seat, back on back rest, eyes looking at the professor . . . Bleh! It’s so typical!

Have a look at these incredible alternative sitting positions, so that maybe you can be more than a boring sack of dust.

1“I do not like that my lecturer plus 30 strangers can see me, and would prefer not being on camera, but I am not allowed to turn my camera off.”

Alternatively, this also makes you feel like an egg. Which is conducive to learning. 

2Toe rest position.

From this angle, you will also have a nice double chin, and there’s a higher probability of having a menacing appearance.

3Pretend your butt blasts fire . . .

. . . and you’re about to power into outer space.

4Your chair can be anything you want it to be.

It can even be a table. You have such a wild imagination and people will think you’re quirky because you’re sitting on the floor. 🙂

5Head in drawer position.


6Your butt warmed up the seat . . .

. . . so now you’re warming up your forehead on the warm spot. 

7Look at your lecturer AND at your feet at the same time!

Feet are so funny! Make this position even funnier by wearing funny socks. Funny!

8Your desk becomes your chair.

How whimsical! From this vantage point, you can no longer see the floor directly under the desk. It had started to look like a comfortable place to sit, and so you wanted to resist the temptation to get down there. 

9Oops! The temptation was too strong.

You are now under your desk like a mole person. 

10“Leaving the lecture tab open to peruse Netflix and you make this face to seem interested in the class when really you’re watching Kiki’s Delivery Service.”

11You wonder what it would be like to have a face cover on like a Dementor.

Your class sees you in the camera and they all start applauding. They see what you’re doing, and they like it.

12Floaty feet.

Your feet are not on the ground and you get the sensation of flying. Don’t get scared though! You’re not actually in the air.

13“Hello, hello, baby, you called, I can’t hear a thing.”

“I ain’t got no service in the club, you see, see.” — Lady Gaga

14The feistiest of them all.

This one allows you to SQUARE UP in case anyone acts dishonourable towards you. You can immediately threaten them . . . with fisty-cuffs.


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