Board Shorts


Student presents on average graduation time

Computing Science student and OpenSFU contributor Edward Ning gave a presentation titled “Time to Graduate: Is 6 Years Okay?” to the board. He explained that the average time of degree completion at SFU was over five years, and around half of students at the university are part-time, meaning they take less than nine credits.

Ning suggested this was due to poor course scheduling, a result of the faculties’ suggested schedules for students not lining up with reality. He also criticised the lack of a central authority to avoid issues like course conflict. He added that the “SIS [Student Information System] sucks.”  Ning recommended that the more information be gathered on how students feel about the time it takes to graduate and about their “course scheduling habits.”

Said Ning, “If the education product offered by SFU is subpar, someone has to hold them accountable.”

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