Woohoo, boohoo


Woohoo: Jimmy Fallon

Now, I’ve given Fallon his fair share of flack over the years. As Tracy Morgan once famously complained, he pretty much ruined every SNL sketch he was in by laughing uncontrollably at every joke. The only difference now is that giggle fits and character breaks actually make for entertaining late night talk show antics. Imagine that!

As soon as Fallon found his way into the Late Night slot, it became plainly obvious that this is where he was meant to be: his magnetic energy and baby-faced charm is a perfect fit for talk show interviews, cutesy monologues, and insta-viral Justin Timberlake sketches. It’s this same quality that makes him an infinitely better host than Jay Leno.

Fallon is no Johnny Carson, that’s for sure, but after a couple weeks in the chair, The Tonight Show is already the funniest (and most watchable) it’s been in years, and we’ve got Jimmy Fallon to thank for that.

Boohoo: Jimmy Kimmel

Seriously, Jimmy Kimmel? Grilling Rob Ford on his many media screw-ups while he’s a guest on your show is pretty much the dictionary definition of shooting fish in a barrell. After 11 years on the late night circuit, you’d think Kimmel would have something better up his sleeve. But no! He spent 45 minutes ridiculing a man who does more than a good enough job of ridiculing himself — not unlike his infamous Kanye West sketch, which was about as clever.

To top it off, Kimmel pretty much broke the Internet when he posted a fake viral video of a girl twerking her way into a living room table, sucking all the fun out of home video hijinks forever and ensuring that no media outlet — or any of his viewers — will ever trust him again. And the countless other video pranks that he’s pulled have never been as funny or “edgy” as he thinks they are.

Way to go, Jimmy Kimmel. Kanye was right: Sarah Silverman is funnier than you.

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