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On Saturday, March 8, SFU’s LOVE Club hosted a free event called “Why Don’t Vegans Eat Cheese?” The evening began with a presentation on cruelty in the dairy industry. Following the talk, guests were invited to sample various dairy and cruelty-free products, such as dairy-free cheeses, milks, butters, and pizza from Vegan Pizza House. One did not need to be a vegan or vegetarian to attend as it also pertained to those with a lactose intolerance or an interest in cruelty-free lifestyles.





Somewhere Else is Here, a film produced by independent artists, Marina Leblhuber and Jasmina Hirschl, is comprised of messages from residents of Vancouver’s downtown eastside. The residents willing to contribute were asked to share what they would like to see communicated in a message to the public. The film, which was screened last Tuesday, March 11, features many culturally, politically, and artistically diverse individuals. It also highlights the ambivalent nature of the neighbourhood itself and the resilience of the community.






The world might be ending, and we all might die relatively soon. At least, that is the possibility “Deep Time, Global Change, and You: The Past as a Guide to the Future” attempted to address. The lecture series, hosted by the faculties of science and environment, wrapped up last Thursday with the final talk by Prof. Anthony Barnosky of UC Berkeley. Barnosky’s lecture, like every talk in the series, looked back into the history of the earth. The aim of the lecture series was to explore solutions for how we should manage our environment and ourselves in order to sustain life on earth.


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