Quiz: Are you SFU?





1. Which of the following statements best describes who you are?

A) I am a fearless person looking to explore through my education.

B) I am a passionate visionary who is looking to collaborate with others in order to achieve great things.

C) I am a public university located in Burnaby, British Columbia


2. Which of these adjectives would you characterize yourself using?

A) Ambitious

B) Innovative

C) Concrete


3. Are you physically and mentally able to fill out this quiz?

A) Yes, I am quite proficient in reading and writing.

B) Yes, I am a hard worker who is looking to expand my mind and experiences.

C) No, I am not a person, I am an educational institution.


RESULTS: If you answered all ‘C’ you are SFU. If you filled out any other combination of letters, you are not SFU.

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