Word on the Street: Summer Movies


“I can’t wait to be disappointed by The Lone Ranger! I’ve been waiting for EVER to be let down by it!”

Bill Jones, Eager to walk out of a theatre and do something else


“The Smurfs 2 . . . it’ll probably still be good but how do you follow up that original masterpiece?”

Suzie Simpson, Film buff


“I’m still holding out hope that Monsters University won’t disappoint and actually be the first movie to show the REAL college experience.”

Glen Jordan, Living the ‘G’ rated Greek life


“I was already disappointed by Man of Steel. That Superman guy is such a rip-off of my comic book character: Incredible Person.”

Andy Milton, Hack


“Blockbuster? Pfft . . . I only watch obscure independent films like Juno.”

Stephen O’Reilly, Also loves the underground movie Napoleon Dynamite

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