Minutes from September 12, 2019


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 12, 2019
Peak Offices

Chair: Natasha Tar

In Attendance
Le (Yuri) Zhou (Board Secretary, non-voting)
Zach Siddiqui (Employee Members Representative)
Natasha Tar (Collective Members Representative / Chair)
Pablo Clairmont (At-Large Representative)
Kierra Enns (At-Large Representative)
Gabrielle McLaren (Editor-in-Chief)
Bahar Vaghari Moghaddam (At-Large Representative)
Marissa Ouyang (Guest)


  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of Agenda
    Kierra / Pablo
    All in favour

  3. Approval of Past Minutes from August 15th, 2019
    Kierra / Pablo
    All in favour

  4. Updated financials
    Yuri to present

  5. Membership report
    Yuri to present 32 members. AGM 2019 will be held on Oct 16 Wed from 1:30 -2:30pm. Notice
    will be sent to all signed members by the end of Sept.

  6. Continued discussion on proposal to pay editors for writing outside of their sections
    Open discussion
    Motion by Zach / Pablo
    All in favour
    Vote to pass this proposal with edits (full pay for articles, EIC discretion, check-ins between editors, writers, and the EIC) on the condition that the EIC will report on its success at the end of the semester by Zach / Pablo
    Yes: 5 No: 0 Abstentions: 0
    Vote passes
    Pay will start from week 5 fall, 2019.

  7. Reviewing Marissa’s Illustration Editor Proposal
    Marissa to lead the discussion
    Change system (deadlines earlier, editors will potentially fill out forms for illustration to help
    for now. See if we have the budget in the future for this new position.

  8. Discussing the Board’s role in disciplinary action at The Peak and the potential
    creation of a disciplinary policy
    Open discussion
    Make a new policy, policy drafting team to be decided over group chat.

  9. Discussing disclosing Board minutes to the public
    Open discussion
    Agreed to post minutes on web after they are approved

  10. Adjournment

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