Places to propose to your partner at SFU

Will you find McFogg with me?

Someone proposing to their partner inside the avocado egg. Raccoons are watching.
ILLUSTRATION: Andrea Choi / The Peak

By: Izzy Cheung, Staff Writer

Have you ever thought about asking someone to marry you at SFU? No? Well, here are some reasons why you should. We’ve got a plethora of beautiful places where you can pop the question to your loved one, whether you want the perfect, Instagram-worthy proposal photo or a setting filled with deep meaning and knowledge. 

In line at the Tim Hortons in West Mall Centre 

Few places on campus are more popular than the Tim Hortons at West Mall, so where better to get down on one knee? You can celebrate (or cry about) the result of your proposal with a delicious honey cruller or even get a pack of Timbits to share with your loved one. Better yet, instead of spending all that money on some ring, just buy them a donut and stick it on their finger. Old fashioned, chocolate glazed, honey dip . . . Either way, your partner will love whatever you pick out. Your proposal will surely end up trending on TikTok if you propose at this location! 

In the reflection pond 

The trick to nail this proposal is that you can’t be on the walkway over the reflection pond, nor can you be beside it. To get the most out of this proposal, you and your partner must be IN the pond itself. I’m talking knee-deep, pants wet, koi biting at your ankles as you lower yourself into the pond to ask for your partner’s hand in marriage. When they see the lengths you’re willing to go to be with them, they’re guaranteed to say yes. 

Fifth-floor AQ bathrooms 

Yes, I’m obsessed with these particular bathrooms. I used them almost once a week for an entire semester, and it took me until the end of the year to realize that if someone wanted to, they could peek into the stall and see . . . everything. Since then, I haven’t used these bathrooms. Anyways. 

Have you ever had proposal jitters? Ever wanted to ask someone out but never did it because you were too nervous to even look them in the eye? The fifth-floor AQ bathrooms are the solution for you, whether you’re asking out your crush or proposing to a perfect stranger. Simply stick your hand through the open spot in the stall and give them the expensive diamond ring you’ve picked out to put on their hand. Listen to Beyoncé, y’all — if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it. 

2900 Maggie Benston Centre 

Isn’t that . . . The Peak’s office? Yes, friends, The Peak is offering to host your proposal (just don’t talk to anyone in management about this; they don’t know about it yet). You’re bound to get all the privacy you need if you propose here. Why is that, you ask? Because no one comes here. Like, no one. I don’t even think the janitors come to this side of the building. It’s also eerily quiet here, so maybe bring a speaker to play some music. Your partner is bound to enjoy the sound of the parking lot right beside us as you get down on one knee in front of our beloved office. Who knows, if you’re extra nice, maybe we’ll give you a free sticker. 

Inside the avocado 

Be honest — you knew this was going to be on this list. The avocado is an SFU staple, arguably more iconic than anything else about this school. So, of course, we had to include it on this list. If people can engage in other . . . romance-related activities in the avocado, you can certainly propose in there as well! 

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