What Grinds Our Gears: Wear a fucking helmet

Helmets are an incredibly easy way to avoid a serious casualty

You can’t look cool if you’re dead. PHOTO: Waldemar Brant / Unsplash

by Madeleine Chan, Opinions Editor

I cannot count the number of people that I’ve seen just this past summer that haven’t worn a helmet while biking. Yeah, when it’s nice out biking is great — for minimizing road congestion, avoiding potentially contagious people on the bus, or just to get some exercise. But this should always be done with a helmet.

It’s hard to believe that people think that helmets are only necessary for participating in extreme sports. Just because you’re not “on X Games mode” doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk of serious injury. A simple wrong turn, bump in the road, or distracted driver could turn an otherwise casual bike ride into a stay at the hospital, or worse, a grave. I recently got a concussion from biking — and I was wearing a helmet. Who knows what casualty I could have suffered if I wasn’t.

If affordability is a concern, it is worth the wait to save up for something that is the difference between life and death. If biking is the sole mode of transportation to a vocation, and it’s done without a helmet, think about the pay and/or school time that would be lost from a serious injury. There is literally no reason not to wear one if a prioritization on wellbeing is being made over looking hot. And, surprise! Showing off any newly barbered hair doesn’t work if you’re dead.

Regardless of any laws around mandatory helmets, there should always be a personal effort to wear one. It’s not cool if you don’t.

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