Help a needy child: Donate to our charity to see where your money is REALLY going!

Donate to our charity TODAY and help a needy CEO launder money!

Illustration by Cora Fu

By: Simrin Purhar

At our charity, Needy Kids of Canada, you can select a specific area of support or tangible good to gift an underprivileged child. With our donation model, you know exactly where your money is going!  

Grape vine: $26

Give the gift of nourishment! All grape vines donated will be planted directly in our CEO’s vineyard. Once the grapes have been harvested and fermented, we will send one bottle of wine to a needy child. With purchase of this gift, you will also receive a postcard from our CEO’s vineyard.

Golf bag: $55

Give the gift of sport! Our corporate team will use all golf bags donated during tournaments. We pledge to donate 4% of all monetary prizes won by our team to a needy child, so that they can use it to join a community sports team.  

Vibrating chair: $310

Give the gift of comfort! All vibrating chairs donated will be sent directly to our corporate headquarters. Studies show that a comfortable chair can result in increased productivity. Therefore, this donation will result in our employees maximizing their potential at their charity work — rather than spending time at a doctor’s office with an achy back.

Fishing rod: $119

Give the gift of food! Our executive team will use all fishing rods donated during chartered fishing trips. One out of every twenty fish caught will be donated to a needy, malnourished child.  

Housing: $550

Give the gift of housing! All housing donations will be used by an executive at our organization towards a down payment on a house closer to our corporate headquarters. This way, executives can spend less time commuting and more time finding solutions to help needy kids.

School tuition: $1,020

Give the gift of education! Our executives will use all school tuition donations to send their own children to the top-ranked boarding schools in the country. This way, their children will have the necessary education to take over Needy Kids of Canada and keep it functioning in hopes of supporting the next generation of underprivileged kids.

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