VP: Student Services


The Vice-President Student Services is responsible for the services offered by the Society, and acts as the main liaison for students. The top priority for the Vice-President Student Services is to ensure that services such as the health plan, night line, food and beverage services, and other services jointly funded with the university operate smoothly. The Vice-President Student Services is also involved in administrative tasks such as the negotiation of agreements with the university and with external entities for services. As a liaison and often first point of contact for students, the Vice-President Student Services must be familiar with the operations of the Society, especially the general office.

The Vice President Student Services shall:

> Assume and carry out the rights, duties and obligations of the President during an absence or in the event that they should resign, be impeached or abandon office.

> Coordinate the compilation of the Annual Report of the Board for consideration at the Annual General Meeting.

> Be a signing officer.

> Coordinate and facilitate activities and services for the members of the Society.

> Undertake all other duties and responsibilities the Board may delegate to the Vice-President of Services from time to time.


1. What are some potential projects that you as the VP-Student Services could take on, if elected?

2. How familiar are you with the work of VP-Student Services Portfolio? How would you prepare yourself for the upcoming term, if elected?

3. How would you respond to the question: “I don’t need a Health and Dental Plan, why would I vote in favour of it”?


Zied MasmoudiZied Masmoudi (ACE)

1. First, I would look to address issues that we currently have with the society’s services especially the food and beverage deficit. In addition, I would like to implement a more advanced training program for the executives of Clubs and DSUs to help them expand their outreach, address their financial issues and offer more to their membership. My second project would be the expansion of some services to the Surrey and Vancouver campuses.

2. Preparation for the position is a process that candidates must undertake before running. After working with Member Services Officers for two years, I chose to sit on the Extended Health and Dental Plan, Space Oversight and Granting committees, because they are most related to the Services Portfolio. Finally, my experience with Clubs and SASS has given me a deep understanding of how the relationship between the VP Student Services and student groups should be.

3. The Health and Dental Plan referendum is meant to provide students with an enhanced plan in addition to the basic one they currently use, to maximize their coverage. Students who do not use the plan can always opt out. Passing this referendum, allows future students to personalize their plan based on their needs. Speaking as an international student who uses this plan, I appreciate being able to have multiple options in regards to my coverage.


Rahul Rajanala

Rahul Rajanala (Move the Mountain)

1. As VP of Student Services I will prioritize increasing current Club and DSU cultures, expanding SFSS services to all three SFU campuses, and to provides all students with a stress-free environment. I would work to improve the Upass Program, the Health and Dental Plan, the Emergency Food Bank Program, and increase awareness of the Ombudsperson service available to help students who aren’t being treated fairly.

2. I have gained experiences during my time as a Student-at-large and Forum Representative for committees such as Advocacy, Commercial Services, and Granting. I am familiar with key projects such as the Upass Program, and Health and Dental Plan. If elected, I will prepare by meeting with the current member services officer, meeting with Student Care, reading past meeting minutes, reading the Upass contract, and meeting with International Student Services to find out how we can . . .

3. All students are automatically enrolled in the Health and Dental Plan when they enroll at SFU to get as many students covered as possible. First, the Health and Dental is customized to students with low costs and to provide as many benefits as possible. Second, students can still opt out of the Health and Dental Plan if they have an alternative plan.

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