Brighter Side: Album releases

My favourite countdown is to album release day

Close up view of a hand skimming through vinyl records
PHOTO: cottonbro studio / Pexels

By: Hailey Miller, Staff Writer

As a huge music fan with an appreciation for every genre under the sun, there’s nothing more exciting than when one of my favourite artists announces the release of a new album. I’m just as hyped for it as they are, and I can’t wait to get my hands on whatever new record is to come. It’s literally music to my ears. 

I’ve been yearning to jam out to new material since an artist or band’s last album, and sometimes it feels like an eternity until a new song or record is released. The anticipation has lingered long enough! I particularly love when artists release music more frequently — although admittedly, when I’m forced to wait for a new tune or album, I enjoy it even more. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, I guess. It doesn’t stop me from thoroughly indulging in every single song, no matter how close between releases. I’ll play those songs and repeat, and I’ll never get sick of them.

There’s no such thing as a dry spell when there’s endless music to discover. Every time I hear a new release or discover another artist, I’m influenced by their works and every nuance that’s poured into the making of a record. There’s just something about an album release —  a new record by one of my favourite artists is the ultimate cherry on top for me. So, excuse me while I go listen to another album release!

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