Two eight-year-olds in 2008 give their online game recommendations

Poptropica, penguins, and puffles

PHOTO: Courtesy of The Peak

By: Izzy Cheung and Saije Rusimovici

Club Penguin

Create your penguin (but don’t forget to include a parent’s email address!). Home to igloos, shops, and even a DANCE CLUB, penguins and puffles live together in harmony here. Buy clothes for your penguin, collect different color puffles (my favourite is the pink one!) and interact with your friends online.You can even play fun mini games to earn coins that you can use to buy adorable accessories for your penguin or impress your friends by upgrading your igloo! 


Wait, the guy that wrote Diary of a Wimpy Kid made a video game? I’m pretty sure this is named after the juice box I received at summer camp, but it is quite an adorable game I found on Cool Math Games. Did you know that you can travel to 17 tropical islands in the game!? It’s the closest to visiting the tropics I’m ever going to get (since mom insists we spend family vacations camping!).


This is the virtual world of virtual worlds. Chat with friends and play games to collect coins and buy the cutest fashion items at Le Shop or get your hair done at Stellar Salon. You can even customize your home and rearrange the furniture without your mom getting mad at you (I’m talking about you, Kimberly). Fantage is the kind of game you beg your parents to let you play instead of doing your homework. Kids that play this game are cool, and they know it. Sadly I’m never allowed to play online games because my dad’s computer room is “for work only.” 

Moshi Monsters 

Have you ever wanted the perfect pet of your own? I’ve found my furr-ever friends on Moshi Monsters! These little toys come alive on mom’s computer. I get to adopt my own monster and help take care of it just like a real-life pet. There are six different monsters — a furry orange rabbit named Katsuma, a sasquatch-like monster by the name of Furi, a cute little devil character named Diavlo, a cherry named Luvli, a zombie named Zommer, and a little pink Poppet. My monster and I love playing the mini games because we can earn money to buy my monster some pets for themselves. When I grow up, I want as many pets as possible too!  


My parents bought me a Webkinz stuffed poodle because they thought I would think it’s cute, but it came with a big surprise! The poodle came with a code that let me play with it on the computer. On the Webkinz website, we can play mini games together and earn KinzCash so I can buy all of my furr-ends special items. I’m just like an adult! Now, every birthday and holiday, I ask for different Webkinz animals so I can collect them all! 

Animal Jam 

On rainy days when we can’t go outside, all of my friends and I meet up on Animal Jam. We join the same server and go online as our favourite animals to play games and go on fun adventures. My favourite animal in this game is the seal, but some of my friends like the wolf, tiger, or bunny. Sometimes our teachers let us play this during class computer lab time because it’s part of National Geographic. I love animals and love playing with them in real life and online! 

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