Chat Room A: The Peak Spoof Brainstorming

PHOTO: Courtesy of The Peak

By: Izzy Cheung, staff writer

Chat started with EICExtraordinaire, ThePRODOPro, Don’tCOPYMe, and ClickShootPHOTO  

Don’tCOPYMe: GM! 

ThePRODOPro: Good morning y’all! 

EICExtraordinaire: Hiiiiii 🙂 

ClickShootPHOTO: hello hello! 

Don’tCOPYMe: We’re halfway through the spring semester !!! You know what that means… 

EICExtraordinaire: It’s spoof brainstorm time !!!! (★^O^★) 

Don’tCOPYMe: Let’s get all the editors in here to decide!  

Now entering: That’sNEWSToMe!, What’sYourOPINION?, FEATURE-ing… iHeARTyou, and BeAGoodSPORT

ThePRODOPro: Hello !! We’re starting brainstorming for our spoof issue 😀 what ideas do you all have ?? 

What’sYourOPINION?: OMG it’s already time for the spoof issue ???? It feels like we just finished Peakflix !!! 

EICExtraordinaire: IKR!!! Time flies T_T

That’sNEWSToMe!: We could do a barbie theme?? Include lots of pink and have photos of each staff member as a barbie (^▽^)

iHeARTyou: soo cute, great idea( ^^)人(^^ )

Now entering: TheBestSenseOfHUMOUR

TheBestSenseOfHUMOUR: Did someone say BARBIE ??? 

EICExtraordinaire: ROFL  

FEATURE-ing… What about a yearbook kind of format? With tips and tricks to survive the semester? 😕 

ClickShootPHOTO: That would be cute <3 

What’sYourOPINION?: Hmm, I like that, but it’s a little similar to the Burn Peak we did a few years ago…

BeAGoodSPORT: Maybe we should get the writers and production assistants in here to help us decide! 

Now entering: TheWrite1, 2ManyStories, Don’tWriteFor3, 1News1, 2MuchNews, TheWriteSport, 1ProdoAtATime, and 2ProdoForU  

1News1: Morning !! 

2ManyStories: Hiiii \(^ ^)/

TheWrite1: Is it time for spoof brainstorming already ??? 

EICExtraordinaire: Yes !! Any ideas ?? 

1ProdoAtATime: OMG love the yearbook suggestion 

2MuchNews: We could do a “most likely to” section for the yearbook one !! 

EICExtraordinaire: FUNNNNN 

Don’tCOPYMe: OMG what if we did something like club penguin ?! 

TheWriteSport: Like old internet flash games?? 

BeAGoodSPORT: I love that !! 

2ProdoForU: OMG 

ClickShootPHOTO: That would be so fun 

iHeARTyou: We could even change it to a 2000s internet kind of theme ??? 

TheWrite1: Yes!!! And we could even talk about 2000s music and fashion!! ^_^/


ThePRODOPro: What if we did a playlist with a bunch of our favourite 2000s songs in the style of an iPod shuffle?? 


That’sNEWSToMe!: We could also include a bunch of callbacks to old internet games that we played?? 

2MuchNews: Poptropica!! 

Don’tWriteFor3: We need LOTS of club penguin 


EICExtraordinaire: YESSS 

2ManyStories: What about some old internet memes/social media platforms ?? 

Don’tCOPYMe: MySpace?? 

EICExtraordinaire: I love how this is progressing <<3

ThePRODOPro: I think we have our idea then! 

EICExtraordinaire: YAYYYY 

Don’tCOPYMe: o(^o^)o

ThePRODOPro: Now we just need to figure out how to make it…

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