WHAT GRINDS OUR GEARS: Mint chocolate chip ice cream

Photo courtesy of Kitchme

Written by Natasha Tar, Arts Editor

There are many things on this earth that I find disgusting, but right up there in my top three is mint-flavoured food items. Ever since I was young, I have used mint toothpaste, and on the label it has always clearly stated, “DO NOT CONSUME.” I associate the minty taste with something that causes damage if you eat it.

Fast forward to today: I open my freezer and what do I see? Toothpaste-flavoured ice cream with chocolate, AKA, mint chocolate chip. I take off the lid out of morbid curiosity and find that it’s as green as Shrek and smells as deadly as the devil.

Someone says to me, “Try it, it’s great!” I sample a spoonful and watch my life flash before my eyes. It tastes like death. Why would anyone pay this much to eat toothpaste? Why would anyone desecrate ice cream and chocolate like this? Don’t let this poison enter your body; spit it out like the toothpaste it is.

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