Hidden Gems: Indigenous-owned businesses

Discover Indigenous culture, art, and culinary treasures

PHOTO: Elyana Moradi / The Peak

By: Prerita Garg, SFU Student

Tradish’s The Ancestor Café

23433 Mavis Ave., Fort Langley
Open Wednesday–Sunday, 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Online: tradishcanada.ca

Tradish’s The Ancestor Café is the ideal spot for those looking to try out some delicious delicacies from Indigenous cultures. Their plant medicine jams, such as their smoky juniper cherry and chamomile pear, are crafted to help treat ailments like chest congestion and high blood pressure. This café also offers blueberry lavender baked bannocks, the three sisters bannock tacos, raspberry dandelion tea, Spirit Bear coffee, and more. These delectable goodies are crafted by Chef Sarah Meconse Mierau, whose goal is to “nurture a deeper appreciation for Indigenous culture through culinary experiences.” Explore their online ordering option to ship these culinary delights to your home. 

Wickaninnish Gallery

#14 1666 Johnston St., Vancouver
Open every day 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Online: wickaninnishgallery.com

The Wickaninnish Gallery is a premier destination for buying Indigenous artwork and is located in the heart of Granville Island. Featured artist Mike Matilpi is of Kwakwaka’wakw descent and has been carving ornate jewellery since 1993. Wickaninnish Gallery offers home decor including fleece blankets and handmade ceramic pots, as well as kitchen supplies such as coasters featuring depictions of animals in formline design (the unifying black band prevalent in Haida art). Their enchanting dream catchers are made from stones and feathers. Dream catchers were first created by Ojibwe peoples as a means of protecting each other from bad dreams. With a rich 37-year legacy, this gallery is an essential stop for those seeking cultural immersion and timeless craftsmanship.

Spirit Gallery

6408 Bay St., West Vancouver / Shop online
Open every day 10:00 a.m.6:00 p.m.
Online: spirit-gallery.com

Spirit Gallery is home to a shop a multitude of charming gifts. Take a look at their intricately designed hand carvings of ravens or bears on colourful masks and paddles, silver sun earrings or gold hummingbird bracelets, and prints featuring clever formline design like an Angry Raven. You can also buy plushies, playing cards, and board games. Their puzzles are priced between $12$22, making them a great gifting choice. The gallery features the exceptional work of Klatle-Bhi, who is known for his masks, totem poles, and other sculptures. 

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