Stuff we like and don’t like

(Elena Hsu / The Peak)

By: Hannah Davis

Stuff We Like:

People who let us pet their dogs

In my experience of approaching dog walkers to ask if you can give their pup some pats, there are two basic ways the person can react. The first is that they avoid eye contact, shorten the leash, and pick up their pace a little to avoid a conversation — this is understandable. A lot of dogs do not like to be touched by strangers, and so I respect these people protecting their furry friends from unnecessary anxiety. The second (and best) kind of reaction is that the dog walker will grant you permission to meet their pupper. Then you get to ask all sorts of questions about the doggo, like what their name is or “Are they a good dog?” (obviously yes). The only individuals who one-up the people who let you pet their dogs, are the ones who carry treats with them and let you feed their pupper. Those people are amazing.

Stuff We Don’t Like:

Having to buy iClickers

It is now my third year of university and I have managed to avoid buying an iClicker . . . until now. Walking into the bookstore at the beginning of the semester, I was mostly disappointed because I didn’t know how much iClickers go for on the university bookstore market (it’s rough). My disappointment only increased when I walked into the first day of lecture, only to find out that iClicker questions were worth just 5% of our grade. I immediately considered returning the stupid little gadget and forfeiting that tiny percentage of my mark. Against instinct I held onto my iClicker for all it’s worth, and now, about halfway through the semester we’ve used it a whopping three times. Goodbye $50, hello micro-increase in my grade.

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