Tippy Top Ten: SFU Road Construction


Here are the Tippy Top Ten worst things about the road construction at SFU…

10. It’s really messing up previously super convenient trip to school on top of a mountain

9.Your Sherpa wants a raise

8. New roads will be useless in five years when we all have flying cars

7. Will add 5-30 minutes of bus stop small talk about how bus is 5-30 minutes late

6. Future smooth roads will make us more susceptible to attacks from invading Mongolian army

5. It’ll force you to drive through UniverCity and remind you there’s a place called “UniverCity”

4. Soon won’t be able to blame bumpy road for arousal on the 145 anymore

3. With legitimate excuse for being late, “murdered parents” story will go to waste

2. Will inspire too many students to transfer into Construction faculty

1. Even after they’re finished, the roads will still lead you to SFU

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