Plees halp!! My Moshi Monster akount got stolen

You cant even trust you’re friends

PHOTO: Courtesy of The Peak

By: Kaja Antic, Sports Writer

Dear Moshi Monstrs,

My name is Kaja or canuckgurl17. I mad a freind on your website becaus they came to my monstr Poppies house. I am very carful when I maek friensd but I want to be nice because my brothr said im mean. My friend has a name, novalight34, and they where gray. 

We were talkng on my messag bored and playd some games togethrer, like monstr dance and spy game. We had difrent moshlings and talkd abuot seeds and I belivd we where friends but I gess we our not.

My frien Nova askd me for my passwrd, and they gave me there’s. When I loged into her acount I playd for a small tim but than I tryed to get to my acount and it didnt work! I am vry sad!

I workd veri hard to get mt friends Jeepers, Flumpy, nd Fify, and was working very hard to get Snookoms and now I cant. 

I miss my messig bord. I miss my AKSHule freinds like Maknzee and Nia and Ryain. I miss my moshling. I miss my Dustbin Beever postr. I miss moshi monstr.

My mom said I did this bad thing and I cryed. She said nova was liening becaus I was a membr and they wanted the membr itims for there self.

Plees help me Moshi Monstrs, your my only hop3.




PS my passwurd was keslerburrows

PPS I am going to club pengwin and webkinz if you donet fix this.

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