Stop signs are for stopping

The worrying rise of drivers neglecting basic road safety

A stop sign
PHOTO: Max Burchill / Unsplash

By: Kaja Antic, SFU Student

As an experienced driver in Metro Vancouver, I’ve noticed an ongoing problem that threatens the safety of our roadways. It also threatens the well-being of other people. I constantly see drivers speed past the stop marker and inch into oncoming traffic at many stop signs, stop lines, and even red lights.

My issue isn’t even rolling stops. In fact, I rarely see them. It’s the unnecessarily aggressive approach to, and overshoot of, the actual stop location. Why do you need to stop a metre past the stop sign? Is the giant red octagon not enough notice of the location where you should stop? To me, and most law-abiding citizens, the instructions are clear. 

These dangerous drivers have no regard for pedestrians and cyclists, other cars, the generally accepted rules of the road, and their own front bumpers. I have seen these menaces everywhere, from my neighbourhood in Surrey, to downtown Vancouver, or when searching for the last parking spot in the East Lot. I witness encounters like these daily, no matter the time of day. Has the art of properly following traffic laws been lost on Vancouverites? 

If you are someone guilty of this sin, please change your ways, before karma and ICBC come your way. All drivers reading this, I implore you to be aware of this pressing issue, to save yourselves and your vehicles. These careless cars are out there, and there is no sign of them stopping. Properly. 

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