Summer Snack Quiz

Based on your personality, what do you bring to the table?

Illustrations of summer fruit
ILLUSTRATION: Emily Xu / The Peak

By: Hana Hoffman, Peak Associate

Question 1: Which excuse are you most likely to use when you’re late?

  1. I am never late. Don’t believe me? Make plans with me and you’ll see.
  2. Every time I arrive on time, no one is there yet! What’s the point if I get no validation?
  3. The bus was delayed 25 minutes due to light rain. I literally checked Google Maps before leaving and it was supposed to come on time, but I guess those tires couldn’t handle some H2O. Shame on them.
  4. My electric scooter melted in the hot sunlight so I had to walk.

Question 2: What kind of shoes do you normally wear in the summer?

  1. Runners. I can’t go on jogs in the snowy winters, so why waste nice weather on sleeping?
  2. I wear something different every day. Always being the same is BORING.
  3. My Air Jordans go hard. #W
  4. Flip flops, because at the beach, I constantly have to go in the water to cool off. #hotdamn

Question 3: Which of these games do you like the most?

  1. Apples to Apples.
  2. Wii Sports.
  3. Wii Sports RESORT: I ain’t basic! I’m LUXURIOUS.
  4. Fantage. I’ve always got the hottest outfits at the fashion show.

Mostly 1’s and 2’s: You are the fruit platter! Always bringing something healthy to the table to help the other guests develop a balanced diet. Where would they get their nutrition without you? Vitamin D alone won’t save you!

Mostly 2’s and 3’s: You are the munchies! The casual snack that fits well for any occasion, whether it’s a quick hangout with a couple of friends or a big chaotic family reunion.

Mostly 3’s and 4’s: You are the BBQ chicken wings! You are too hot to handle and you really know how to spice up the party. Hope you’ll never fly away from us!

Numbers all over the place: You are the condiments. You go with everything! Ketchup on fries, cream cheese on fruit, ranch on pizza and salad, bbq sauce on meat . . . you name it. No picnic snack tastes good without you.

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