By: Madeleine Chan, Staff Writer
Picture this: You’re on the mountain. Maybe you’re between classes and want to do some readings — or at least, attempt to. Maybe you want to take a power nap before your next four-hour lecture. Or, maybe you just want to have a nice place to sit while you existentially contemplate your uncertain future. Regardless, you realize that you have nowhere to go. All the spots you know of are taken.
Fear not, weary traveller, for I have searched and scoured SFU Burnaby for the comfiest and coziest spots that the school can provide. These spots range from warm hideaways to calming coves that offer the best environments for restoring your sanity. Best of all, each spot is wheelchair accessible and not restricted to students of certain departments. Look to these recommendations when you’re put on the future SUB nap room’s four-year waitlist or your go-to place is polluted by constant construction noise.

Bottom Floor of MBC
A spot that feels like you’re at the bottom of a fantastical castle spire. Multiple circular, lounge-style chairs are paired with circular tables that dot the lowest floor of Maggie Benston Centre. The decently spongy seats have angled backs, which are great for slouchers like me. The area’s position underneath the stairs also gives it an added sheltered feel. Oversized pots filled with lush trees also create a canopy of comfort. The sunken and hidden feel of the area can sometimes be overshadowed by chatter from the upper levels during busier hours, but overall this spot is a nice, cool place to chill.
Tags: 10/10 forest feel, nine circles of heaven, carpet

AQ 2130: Northwest corner, second floor
The squishiest couches I could find. This large study area is great for studying and napping as it has both single seats and longer couches. There is at least a one-to-one chair-to-table ratio, so there is no need to worry about where to put all of your overpriced textbooks. The varied sizing of the light fixtures is a nice touch that adds warmth to an otherwise concrete-filled space. Its secluded location underneath the main AQ walkway also makes this space the ideal hideaway from the stress of avoiding people handing out pamphlets on your way to class.
Tags: cloudlike chairs, individual space, sleepy

Sixth floor AQ Mini Lounges
These little spots scattered around the top floor of the AQ make for great getaways. The soft SFU-red chairs are placed near wide windows with stellar views of the sky. On nice days, you can even see the mountains and the city below depending on which side of the building you’re on. The windows also let in an ample amount of natural light which increases the calming nature of the area. Considering that not many people go to or even know about the sixth floor of the AQ, you can bet on minimal noise and traffic, which is perfect for lengthy naps on the longer, couch-like red seats. Potted plants also make the spaces feel more homey. These small and snug alcoves are ideal havens for the extrovertly-challenged.
Tags: THE SKY, good save point, calm

The Hangar: TASC2 East Lounge
A hidden gem of a spot. This lounge in the Environmental Science area is a perfect place to escape SFU’s bustling halls and construction noise. It’s nicely nestled at the bottom floor of the building and has a long floor-to-ceiling glass wall which immerses the seating space in natural light. The red cushiony seats that surround large tables are all long enough for napping, but especially the two couches on the ends of the area that are double the size. With a vending machine right beside the area, you could stay here forever and not know that there are flurries of students rushing to get to their next class. The secluded area, large tables, and comfortable couches make this a great study or sleep space.
Tags: nap time, sleeping beauty, no actual planes

Blue couches in the hallway between the Shrum Science Centre Kinesiology and Applied Sciences Building
I know this recommendation is in one of SFU’s many busy hallways, but it’s still a favourite of mine. This place’s cool blue couches and textured floor are a tonal respite from SFU’s onslaught of red. The couches themselves are also very comfy, especially the one in the corner of the hall opposite Renaissance because of its chaise-like extension where you can lay down your legs. In fact, the other seats also have low tables that are a prime place to prop your feet up. To top it off, the wide windows that line the corridor also offer a good amount of natural light and an opportunity to look out to the grassy hillside to contemplate the life decisions that led you to this spot.
Tags: couch city, red-hater’s delight, existentialism