Amazon product reviews for SFU degrees

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Written by: Alex Bloom, Aaron Richardson, Iain Edgar, Maxwell Gawlick, Tiffany Chang

Bachelor of business administration
This degree was very expensive, but it works pretty well. I get decent returns on my investment. Because of the Co-Op Add-On, I got several job offers right after graduation. Would be five stars but degree was missing “social life” when it arrived. –MG

Bachelor of Arts, economics major

Nice – MG

Bachelor of Arts, communications major
Overall, I’m satisfied. It’s useful. If you’re into writing about how reality is socially constructed until your fingers fall off, then this is the major for you. I like most of the profs, but the lectures could be a bit dry. Some of them just go on and on. I feel like I’ll be staying in school until I start wearing dentures. Plus, I can’t stand that joke from students in other faculties that comes with the territory: “What do you guys do in Communication anyway? Communicate?” For those who are considering Communication, you’ll be alright . . . I think. – TC

Bachelor of Arts, communications major

Degree did not come assembled, and did not include batteries. – AB

Bachelor of Arts, history minor
✩✩ +1/2
Degree did not contain sufficient mindless memorization of dates. Studying history, I was forced to do things like actually try to understand the broader context of why the world is the way it is today. Would much rather stuff dates of dubious import into my brain until I can’t take it anymore. Overall unimpressed with the teachers, who actually tried to engage with the students rather than scribbling furiously on a chalkboard and yelling at us to keep up. On the bright side though, I did learn that Canada isn’t part of the United States.  – AB

Bachelor of Arts, cognitive science major
I learned a lot of cool shit about the brain. But I’m still not really sure what cognitive science is. All I know is that cognitive science majors don’t like it when their field is compared to psychology. – AR

Bachelor of Arts, cognitive science major
The content of this package seems valuable in itself, but it lacks compatibility with the job market, which makes it seem a little useless.  – AR

Bachelor of Arts, philosophy minor
Return Policy? – AR

Bachelor of Science, biology major
I decided to study fungus as my speciality, and I have never made such a great decision. As soon as I began my study of mushrooms, I was absorbed into the superbeing that all fungus professors and students belong to. I now love the taste of dirt, hate sunlight, and make fungus-based puns at every opportunity. I know the effects of mushrooms on every livable species, and grow morels in my house just to be closer to them. Mycelium now threads through my body, and I no longer need to breathe. On the upside, I can finally say that I am a FUN-GUY – IE

Bachelor of Science, biology major
I originally ordered my biology degree to deal with my employment problem, and so far, I have been very disappointed. To begin with, it was meant to arrive in four years, but ended up getting here in five and a half. Not only this, but upon receiving the product, inside was a piece of paper stating: “Employment not included. Look online for great deals on Graduate Degrees!” Buyer beware, I suppose. Thankfully, I just ordered a nursing degree, which will hopefully arrive quickly and finally give me the employment I desperately need. – IE


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