By: Nathaniel Tok, Peak Associate


German football team defeated in opening match of the World Cup

Previous World Cup champion Germany lost 1–0 to Mexico in their opening match of the World Cup after Mexican player Hirving Lozano scored a goal within 35 minutes of play. According to The New York Times’ Chief Soccer Correspondent Rory Smith, the Germans seemed to have been put off by the Mexican team’s initiative, speed, and attack prowess. The Mexican government noticed a small artificial earthquake in the capital due to possible mass jumping after the goal. Three previous World Cup champions have left the tournament after losing in the group stage, but the Germans were defiant, saying they will advance to the next round.

With files from The New York Times.


Climate change affects food nutrition

A study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has found that plants are losing nutritional value. This phenomenon, referred to as the “junk food effect,” is attributed to consequences of climate change, such as reduced water, increased temperature, and higher carbon dioxide concentration, as they lower crop output and take away nutrients from vegetables and legumes. Previous studies had explained this loss of nutrients from plant-based foods as arising from the emphasis on yields over nutrition. Plant consumption is reported to already be low in humans, with the deficit causing around 1.5 million deaths annually.

With files from DW.


Arab states attack key Yemen port city

Active conflict in Hodeidah flared up as alliance of Arab states challenged the Houthi fighters currently occupying the Yemeni port city. The attack aimed to capture the city by seizing the city’s airport, and was successful in securing two entrances. However, coalition forces will now face a dense network of explosives as they attempt to advance into the main airport where Houthi forces are concentrated. The conflict raises severe concerns from the United Nations as it may disrupt the flow of aids to the area. The present conflict in Yemen started in 2015 when the Arab states began fighting to restore the government exiled by the Iranian-allied Houthis.

With files from Reuters.


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