Mastermind: Steven Soderbergh

Soderbergh is a director capable of making you feel the full range of emotions

(Photo courtesy of Claudette Barius)

By: Jonathan Pabico

Looking for a director whose movies are worth watching repeatedly? Try Steven Soderbergh. He is known for his heist films that offer hilarity, complemented by unassuming intellect, and original storytelling. His recent heist film, Logan Lucky, benefits from its quirkiness, and from its unusual casting that works surprisingly well. Soderbergh also provides an Ocean’s Eleven flair through the film’s clever dialogue, plot, and energetic music to evoke the story’s fast-paced thrills.

     Soderbergh came to prominence with his Ocean’s trilogy. The Ocean’s trilogy demonstrated Soderbergh’s keen eye for detail. His visually appealing camera angles and vibrant dialogue between characters entices you to follow all the immense twists and turns in the series.  However, this trilogy has yet to falter because of the forthcoming sequel, Ocean’s 8, which will have an all-woman leading cast, to be released this year on June 8. Soderbergh is only a producer for Ocean’s 8, but the movie will most likely carry over his unique style from his previous heist films.

     Soderbergh also delivers suspense and horror in Contagion. He explores disease as not only a threat to people’s health, but also a psychological catalyst for the moral compromises in the story. Chilling dialogue amplifies the ominous tones of the narrative’s equally unsettling, yet believable reality.

     Whether it’s his Ocean’s trilogy or Contagion, Soderbergh continues to amaze us with his genius. Make sure to catch his other films that demonstrate his superb directing skills, such as the action spy thriller Haywire and true stories: Erin Brockovich and The Informant!

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