Top picks for song of the summer


By: Tamara Connor, Jamal Dumas, Max James Hill, Courtney Miller, Nathan Ross, and Jessica Whitesel

When that gentle breeze rolls through Vancouver and you find yourself on the beach surrounded by people with sun-kissed skin, or on a patio with friends sipping fruity cocktails through curly straws, you know that it’s finally summer. And of course, with every summer comes a song of the summer.

You know, that one soundtrack that captures your whole summer within four minutes? Well, if you haven’t found your summer song yet, do not fret! We at The Peak have created a playlist of the songs we feel best capture summer 2016.

“Good Grief” – Bastille
Jessica Whitesel, Arts Editor

A good song of the summer needs to be good for the three “B”s: beer, brunches, and beaches. This song can do that. The fun and updated ’80s sound is perfect for brunch: it’s uptempo enough that it can get you excited and put a mimosa in your hand, but not so excited that you get up and ask who’s down for some shots. That’s what also makes it good for backyard beer and chilling on the beach. It’s catchy enough that you can even pick up the lyrics quickly and belt it out in the car on your next road trip. I’ve already lost count of how many times I’ve listened to this song since it was released mid-June. It’s that good.  

“Too Good” – Drake feat. Rihanna
Jamal Dumas, Print News Editor

Pop music comes and goes just as fast as the summer sun, but if one song has stuck with me, it’s “Too Good.” Drake’s latest features none other than Rihanna. Following their fire duet on “Work,” the pair explores the unspoken tensions between them over a pulsating tropical beat. If done by less versatile artists, this track would be a bore, but the production infuses it with a boundless energy that will make those scorching restless summer days perfect. It feels like a retread of Drake’s 2011 masterpiece “Take Care,” but instead of the haunting melody there, “Too Good” finds the optimism in difficult emotional terrain.

“Send My Love (To Your New Lover)” – Adele
Tamara Connor, Features Editor

For a song to be the song of the summer, it has to be something that makes you want to belt it out as you zoom down the highway to the beach. It has to be a song that soundtracks everything you want your summer to be. Adele’s latest does just that. “Send My Love (To Your New Lover)” is about letting go of the past, wishing those who have wronged you nothing but the best, and letting yourself be free. As a recent survivor of a messy breakup, Adele’s song is what I’m jamming to this summer as I dance with my new bae, drink cocktails, and watch the sunset from the beach.

“Sad But True” – David Vertesi
Nathan Ross, Web News Editor

Just because it’s summer and the sun is out doesn’t mean that every day is meant for living it up. If you’re anything like me, David Vertesi’s new album Sad Dad Cruise Ship perfectly sums up what you’re about. Bounce along to the catchy beat underneath some heartbreaking lyrics on the track “Sad But True,” and remember that sometimes it’s just as acceptable to boogie into the abyss as it is to just stare into it. The upbeat guitar chords really help save face when, just like Vertesi, you just gotta pour yourself a drink.

“T-Shirt” – Thomas Rhett
Courtney Miller, Peak Associate

I dare you to find a more summery theme than hanging out on a patio with someone and getting laid. Add in that other person looking sexy in your T-shirt — a killer visual and the perfect conception of summer madness. Some people will be turned off by the “country” tag, but you know what? Aside from a little twang in Rhett’s voice, this track would not be out of place on top 40 radio. It’s upbeat, great for dancing, amazing to sing along with — it’s an ultimate summertime tune. That’s what makes it the perfect song of the summer.

“Sorry” – Beyoncé
Max James Hill, Editor-in-Chief

This year, my summer is all about self-love, and no one does self-love better than Bey. “Sorry” is both a perfect kiss-off to the haters and a powerful commitment to enjoying life in spite of adversity — everything that makes Lemonade the best pop album of the year is on full display here, from the technicolor beats to the effortless delivery to the endlessly quotable verses. It’s fierce and it’s fabulous, just like you. So for all those who want to make your summer a bummer: middle fingers up, put ’em hands high.

Songs of the summer!

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