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On July 4, SFU’s Woodward’s campus hosted CreativeMornings/Vancouver, an international breakfast lecture series for the creative community. The event featured Charles van Sandwyk, an award-winning author of the limited edition book, A Selection of Neighbourly Birds. He advised attendees that, “If you are after some sense of meaning in your work, then your true character will shine through regardless of how hard you are trying to copy someone else.”



From July 2 to 4, the 9th Imaginative Education Research Group (IERG) Conference on Imagination and Education allowed teachers, parents, academics, and others to collaborate on what motivates children to learn. 

The conference, hosted by the faculty of education, addressed “the real power of the imagination to equip students to learn, understand and apply knowledge to real-world problems.”


On July 1, the Indian Students Federation in collaboration with UBC’s Ustav Club partook in the 6th Annual Canada Day Parade. Their dance performance included around 30 students from both SFU and UBC. 

The performance hoped to communicate the idea of “indulging in the spirit of the day and showcasing cultural diversity.”

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