Election Results


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The results are in! Here are the students you elected as your representatives to the Senate, the Board of Governors, and the Senate Graduate Studies Committee. Those elected will serve from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is responsible for business decisions concerning university property, revenue and policies.

Jesse Taylor was elected as graduate student representative for Board of Governors; his platform outlined availability of student housing, rising tuition rates, student space on Surrey and Vancouver campuses, and student engagement at the university level as areas to focus on improving during his term.

Deven Azevedo was elected as undergraduate representative for Board of Governors. Azevedo expressed his desire to advocate for greater transparency in SFU’s investments, a review of the risk of SFU’s investments in fossil fuel companies, and the creation of a mechanism by which students can better attain the ear of the board. Azevedo was also recently recognized as one of two SFU recipients of the $60,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship in 2013.



The Senate is responsible for the academic governance of the university, meaning all matters excluded from the purview of the Board of Governors. These include teaching and research, with a specific focus on the development of new initiatives, the formation of priorities, and the consideration and approval of policies.

Ting Liu and Amelia Huang were elected by acclamation to the Senate, being the only students running from the faculties of Education and Environment.

The following 14 students were elected by the student body for the remaining positions on the Senate.

Paul Yoon – Applied Sciences

Chardaye Bueckert – Arts and Social Sciences

Dion Chong – Arts and Social Sciences

Sarah-Sophia Flodr – Arts and Social Sciences

Ehsan Jozaghi – Arts and Social Sciences

Dimitri Ossinsky – Arts and Social Sciences

Athina Pilarinos – Arts and Social Sciences

Madelaine Simpkin – Arts and Social Sciences

Brandon Chapman – Business

Shirin Escarcha – Communication, Art and Technology

Colin Chu – Health Sciences

Kayode Fatoba – Health Sciences

Nicholas Chapman – Science

Barbara Szymczyk – Science

Senate Graduate Studies Committee

Four students (two regular, two alternate) were elected to the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, which meets monthly to discuss issues and pass motions relevant to graduate students.

Elected as the regular representatives were Ehsan Jozaghi and Jasneet Singh Sabharwal.

Jozaghi served on SFU’s Senate twice previously, and his platform stressed advocacy for more funding through scholarships, fellowships and bursaries, lower tuition fees, smaller class sizes, more funding for TAs and TMs, and the implementation of a Burnaby mountain gondola.

Sabharwal outlined in his platform a desire to foster a better relationship between all students and SFU as well as boost inter-disciplinary research and improve funding opportunities for students.

The alternates elected were Jayme Lewthwaite and Paul Yoon.


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