Board Shorts


Board Shorts

Committee Reports

The Board heard presentations from the chairs of its several committees: events, advocacy, financial and administrative (FASC), and space. All committees reported that their discussions this semester had been productive and fruitful, with money being spent diligently on projects.

The two largest financial expenditures made by FASC were towards the planned Welcome Back event for the fall, and increasing the advocacy budget. Advocacy spent a large chunk of time preparing and approving a budget of $11,000, and are in talks with SFU Financial Aid and Awards to collaborate on a student financial literacy initiative in the fall and spring semesters.


Website Evaluation

The Board also discussed at length the option of hiring an external professional website consultant to take at look at the SFSS website and evaluate what need to be done to improve collaboration and communication between SFSS departments.

Since the Board already plans to hire an employee to oversee social media and taking into consideration the expense of hiring an external consultant, the Board was hesitant to move forward, but tasked treasurer Emad Shahid to look into the potential expense.

Michael McDonell’s passing

The Board acknowledged the passing of community member Michael McDonell, who tragically drowned the weekend prior. The Board agreed to involve themselves if possible in the memorial services, and to help the family at this difficult time. A motion was passed to put $200 towards helping the McDonell family.

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