New Music: Vivek Shraya releases single and announces new album, Baby You’re Projecting

The song gives the middle finger to those whining about cancel culture in the wake of #MeToo

Vivek Shraya wearing skintight black bodysuit, leather gloves, and black leather corset sitting in a front of a yellow wall. One hand is extended up touching the top of a glass through which half a part of her is filtered through a darker yellow shade. She has dark black makeup and a red bindi on her forehead looking fiercely into the camera.
PHOTO: Vanessa Heins

By: C Icart, Staff Writer

My first encounter with Vivek Shraya’s work was through her book, I’m Afraid of Men. Shraya’s powerful account of her relationship with masculinity in the context of homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny was unfortunately very relatable for me and helped me find language to talk about fears I was experiencing. While the book opens with “I’m afraid of men because it was men who taught me fear,” she goes on to highlight how her gender nonconformity (or gender expression) is the reason men (and women) fear her. 

In her new single, “Good Luck (You’re Fucked),” Shraya explores another kind of gendered fear: the anxieties vocalized by men in the post-#MeToo era. The song is aimed at men who fear being cancelled because of “how hard it is to even talk to women now.” Shraya is shutting those claims all the way down, and honey, it’s a banger. The lyrics are badass and unapologetic. Her confidence is infectious; paired with a punchy instrumental and disco-style vocals it’s almost impossible not to dance. 

The song emerges from a collaboration with James Bunton (producer and co-writer), Alanna Stuart and Kamilah Apong (background vocals), and Drew Jurecka (string-work). While she has been releasing music independently for twenty years both as a solo artist and with her brother as the band Too Attached, “Good Luck (You’re Fucked)” is the lead single for her label debut album Baby, You’re Projecting, set to come out in May.

Shraya is a multi-disciplinary artist and has received multiple awards and critical acclaim in fashion, writing, theatre, music, and visual art. She is “currently adapting her debut play, How to Fail as a Popstar, as a digital series with CBC.” It’s so exciting to watch her continue evolving as an artist in her 40s. She has said: “What I love about songwriting as a 40-something is that you’ve really earned and experienced the feelings you are writing and singing.” Her lived experience comes through in “Good Luck (You’re Fucked),” as she sounds so sure of herself.

I’ve been listening to the song on repeat and it makes me feel so empowered. I recommend it to anyone who’s tired of listening to men complain about the “hardships” of cancel culture. Add “Good Luck (You’re Fucked)” to all your feminist and dancy playlists and keep your eyes peeled for Shraya’s upcoming projects. If you’re looking for me sometime this spring or summer, hopefully I’ll be on a dancefloor surrounded by all my favourite women and femmes dancing and belting “You don’t care about my friends, you just care what they think about you. Guess what? They don’t! You don’t even cross our minds!”

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