by Marco Ovies, Editor-in-Chief
This is the first semester I am taking classes that were not originally designed for online learning, and let me tell you that it is annoying. While the class quality is actually better than I expected, one annoying thing is that the professor will assign work due immediately after the lecture.
I have a four-hour-long Zoom lecture this semester, and that takes up a big chunk of my time. Another one of my classes has an hour-long lecture that I actually take during my lunch break at work. This is fine, and I accommodate that into my schedule. The problem is when after the four hour lecture, my professor will announce a “short discussion question” due by midnight the same day.
That is work that I had not accommodated for in my schedule, and quite frankly feels like a lack of consideration to me as a student. Just because we are all online does not mean these professors have access to me 24/7. I have a life outside of school, and giving me less than 12 hours to complete an assignment — no matter how small the assignment may be — is very disrespectful to me and my time.
I have other things to worry about, like how I’m going to pay for my tuition after the 2% increase, or trying not to catch COVID-19 and spread it to my whole family. Remote learning is great because I get to do things on my own time and schedule my life accordingly, so don’t assign me something last minute and expect me to do it outside of the scheduled lecture time.