Board Shorts: February 26

The Board and Council will receive a presentation from an independent auditing firm on potential audit options for Fall Kickoff 2019

Image: Irene Lo

Written by: Michelle Gomez, Assistant News Editor

MNP presentation on audit options 

The Board passed a motion to have a presentation from an independent auditing firm to inform the Board and the Council regarding potential audit options. 

The Board allocated up to $5,200 plus ancillary expenses for this presentation. 

Executive Director Sylvia Ceacero noted “I think it is important that we have the correct information before moving forward [ . . . ] I just want to make sure that it is understood that the $5,200 plus ancillary expenses is simply for [auditors] Peter and Mark to come and present — it has nothing to do with actually doing an audit.”

The motion was passed unanimously. 

FASS on a Boat receives funding 

The Board passed a motion to provide funding for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) annual event FASS on a Boat. 

Executive Finance Coordinators of the event’s organizing committee, Tony Yu and Zak Thompson ,delivered a presentation to the Board. 

Yu explained that as one of the biggest events provided by the faculty, its main purpose is “To provide an opportunity to de-stress before exam season.” They announced that this year’s theme would be masquerade. Dinner will be provided to participants, in addition to a range of activities, including a dance floor, crafts, and a photo booth. 

The initial motion asked the SFSS to provide $5,820 in funding for the event. 

“As the organizer, are you prepared for any questions about how much was spent per attendee for the event?” asked SFSS Finance Manager Rowena de la Torre after the presentation. 

VP Finance Tawanda Nigel Chitapi noted that “Personally I am not satisfied with how the budget was presented, there’s still a lot of gaps and unanswered questions.” 

De la Torre asked, “why is it [FASS on a Boat] happening if the event lost money last year? Was there a discussion as to whether the discussion should happen at all?” 

Health Sciences Representative Osob Mohamed replied that “We’re not in the money-making business here, we’re a non for profit organization [ . . . ] we are literally here to hold events and provide services for students.” 

The motion was amended to approve up to $5,000 for the event. The motion was carried. 

Rotunda groups to be allocated space in the SUB 

The Board passed a motion to present two options to the Rotunda groups to enter into an agreement to house them in the Student Union Building. 

SEE MORE: Rotunda groups will be offered space in the new Student Union Building

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