Transit passengers in awe as local man heroically thanks bus driver

Illustrated by Emma Wu

Written by: Aaron Richardson

VANCOUVER, BC – Eyewitness testimony reports that a miraculous and heroic deed occurred earlier today on the 95 B-Line. As Nick Grinton, 23, exited the bus, he turned, waved, and said thank you to the driver of the bus. Naturally, the passengers on the bus near him were struck with shock and awed at the kindness and generosity exhibited by this young man.

Delores, 32, single mother of three, reported that this was the single most inspirational act she had witnessed since her father ran and pulled her out of traffic as a child.

James Knowle, WWII veteran who lost his left arm pulling civilians out of a burning building, mentioned to reporters that the sight of this young man’s selflessness restored his faith in humanity. “I sleep better at night knowing that he is out there watching over us, doing his part.”

After Grinton exited the bus, those who had witnessed this great deed sat there in silence to contemplate their own lives, and what they were doing themselves to contribute to society. Nick himself, like any true hero, refused to comment in any great depth on the story. When asked why he did it, he simply responded that he was “just doing [his] civic duty.”

Jaime, age 9, stated that she hoped to be the kind of person capable of such benevolence one day. “I’m glad she was here to see it,” her father, firefighter aged 44, told reporters. “As a parent, if you pay attention, you can spot moments that will someday be significant in your child’s life. I remember that when I was a child, my neighbour once thanked the garbage man. It’s a moment I’ll never forget, and I know that what she witnessed here today will be the same for her.”

Joyce, 45, said that this act was so full of kindness, human decency, and care for the fellow man that she was forced to put down her copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul to properly process and appreciate what she had just witnessed.

At first it was difficult for The Peak to locate the bus driver who had been the recipient of this great deed of heroism. Reporters struggled to get details out of any of the witnesses, as none of them noticed the bus driver’s age, gender, or race, nor any other identifying feature.

When the driver was finally contacted, she told reporters that she was entirely unaware that a passenger had taken the time out of their day to thank her. This was seemingly due to the fact that the bus was full, and Grinton had expressed his gratitude in a voice barely above a whisper.

Despite not experiencing this great act of selflessness first-hand, upon hearing of its occurrence, she fell to her knees and began to cry, asking for Grinton’s name so that she could thank him in return.

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