Board approves budget for Halloween pub night

The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) approved an upcoming Halloween pub night at the Highland Pub at the latest SFSS Board of Directors meeting. This is going to be the first pub night hosted by the SFSS after they surrendered their lease of food and beverage operations to SFU.

The budget for the pub night to be held later this month is $2,370 and the university will not charge the student society for its use of the space.

“We’re not looking to make money or break even at all [because] the purpose of this pub night is not to make money. [Rather, it’s] just to throw an event for the students,” said Gini Kuo, faculty of business representative.

The event is expected to accommodate a maximum of 300 students.

“This is the first pub night we’re working with SFU to figure out how the relationship will work,” said Kuo. “SFU is working to . . . learn [how to] run a pub night as well, so when student groups do start to book the space and run their pub night[s], SFU will kind of know what they’re doing.”


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