Miles Richardson on football, food, and film

Miles Richardson was awarded the GNAC player of the week in the Clan's season opener (Photo courtesy of SFU athletics)

By: Chris Januardi Lim


Year: Junior

Major: Communications

Hometown: Burien, Washington

Favourite album: Channel Orange by Frank Ocean

After throwing for over 1,600 yards in the 2016 season, Miles Richardson is looking to create a winning culture and continuity for the football team. Winning the GNAC player of the week, he is moving a step in the right direction to becoming a leader and a high-impact player. Beyond the football field, Richardson is always looking to grow himself as an actor and a cook. Find out more about Richardson, and his carne asada by reading the interview below!

The Peak: Why SFU?

Miles: SFU was an amazing opportunity for me, [and] not just [for] school and football. Growing up in Seattle my whole life, Vancouver has a similar culture and subculture. [By] being in Canada, SFU also gives me an international experience, allowing me to challenge myself and to diversify. Athletics-wise, I want to be a big change in the growth of the programs, especially football.

P: So, since we’re both communication students and you’ve been in Canada for a while, Trump or Trudeau?

M: It’s really hard to pick, they both have unique challenges in their jobs. In the current overall conditions of the US, they need to remove a bit of power. Trump isn’t the best, but he’s also not the worst.

P: Alright let’s end the politics there, so far what has been your proudest accomplishment at SFU, on or off the field?

M: [In] my progression from year one to year two in being here, I’ve become more focused as a leader on the team to produce and win games. School-wise, I’ve settled down to be more focused and to set myself up to become successful — [the] sky’s the limit.

P: You talked about setting yourself up to be successful. What aspirations do you have outside of football?

M: I love food, I love to cook, [and I love] providing meals for people. I have a lot of restaurant ideas — I guess it’s my creative and business side combining. I’m always pushing myself to be more diversified. I want to live openly, [and] if an opportunity is there I want to just go for it.

Recently, in the off-season, I pushed hard to get into acting. I did auditions and I’m working to just [get] myself out there whether it be a major film production or student films. I believe in putting in work and just growing myself. The scariest thing is exciting to me, [and] I’ve grown more from losses and failures than wins.

P: Wow cooking, I didn’t expect that from you! What’s the best food you can cook?

M: I can make a damn good steak, but that’s basic. In terms of something more complicated, [I can make] carne asada with all the fixings — homemade salsa, homemade guacamole, [and] a traditional marinated skirt steak with a little spice to keep it flavourful. Also, I can do a pretty good Cuban sandwich with mojo pork. I basically love to marinate meat and barbecue.

P: On the acting aspect, what’s the best movie of all time [in your opinion]?

M: The movies I’ve seen the most are The Godfather and Forrest Gump. I have so many movies I love, but I mostly follow the directors. I’m a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, Stanley Kubrick, and Wes Anderson. I love how these directors can fit actors into characters that are completely different [than] themselves.

P: Getting back to the team, who would you say is the biggest joker?

M: Matt Duda — [he’s] always trash-talking, [and] he definitely keeps you honest out there.

P: Other than yourself who’s your favourite athlete at SFU?

M: On the football team, there [are] so many. I live with Jordan Leech, Trevor Kemp, Kyle Wilson, and Gabe Lopes right now; they’re great people. Justin Buren and Jalen Jana are big inspirations in keeping me motivated. And of course, I have to give a shout out to the O-line, got to keep them boys fed. Outside of the team, I got to know a bit of Othniel Spence from the basketball team over the summer, [and] he’s a really great guy to be around.

P: Alright here comes the most important question, if you could be any tree, what kind of tree would you be and why?

M: Oh, haha, that’s a tough one. But probably a palm tree. Bathing in the sun is always nice.

Athlete’s corner:

Miles: Since joining SFU, I’ve been allowed to continuously grow. The school has been an amazing place to explore myself and I want to challenge others to do the same. Coming to the football game or any other activities in the community can go a long way in creating a positive student culture. I also want others to go for something they care about and challenge themselves. Life, like football, has its ups and downs, a great measure of someone’s character is their persistence to keep working towards their goals.

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