New Music Friday

(Linda Shu / The Peak)

By: Ana Maria Mejia Morales, Edna Batengas, Neil MacAlister and Jenna Beetstra

“Dance with Someone!!!” – Busty and the Bass

Ana Maria Mejia Morales: This is an interesting song. It has some funk, disco, and hip hop. It’s a mix of eras and generations. It kinda makes me wanna get up and bust a move. It’s a fantastic piece in composition. I had no idea who Busty and the Bass was, but I am sure happy I know now.

Edna Batengas: This is so funky, hmmm maybe a little too funky for my liking. Sounds like Oompa Loompas have taken over the ‘80s. Then again it could just be me.

Neil MacAlister: This is actually amazing. I’m loving the horns, there’s so much going on. This feels like Brasstracks meets Kids These Days, it’s really exciting free-form jazz/hip hop stuff. I’m gonna look into these guys.

Jenna Beetstra: This is a fun song. Definitely not something for everyone, but I like it. It’s funky and upbeat and has a fun jazz feel.


“Bags” – Leikeli47

AMMM: Yeah, this song sucks. My thought processing went something along the lines of: “Oh, is this Nicki Minaj? Nope its one of the billion artists that try to copy her.” NEXT.

EB: Aaaayyyyy, it has a catchy beat. I was kinda digging it until I stopped digging it. The song just kept dragging on and on.

NM: The chorus is a little repetitive, but I’m really enjoying this. I feel like Leikeli could finally go places with this song. She’s a talented MC and I hope she gets the attention she deserves.

JB: This isn’t anything special to me.


“Hurry Up!” – Superfruit

AMMM: Generic. It’s one of those songs you hate at the beginning, but the more you listen to it, the more you think, “Oh, it’s not that bad.” But it does suck indeed.

EB: OMG. This song is so annoying, I couldn’t get through all of it.

NM: This is cute. It’s pretty boring, but the way they layer the multiple singers is kinda neat.

JB: Did anyone else notice the little Mario sounds in the middle of the song? What the heck is going on here? Sounds like someone in the studio was bored and playing video games while recording this song.


“Holding Your Tongue” – Terror Jr

AMMM: The name of the song is what the artist should be doing.

EB: Sounds like amateur karaoke. Please, someone get this woman some singing lessons and get me some earplugs.

NM: I’ve honestly been listening to this song a lot this week, it’s definitely one of Terror’s best songs to date. I was a little worried when their second album disappointed, but I’m excited for what they have to come. Lisa Vitale’s vocals are so cool, and their production is always pretty fun (shout-out to Felix Snow).

JB: I like the beat in this song. Her voice is very high, and I definitely wouldn’t be able to sing along to this one in the car without sounding awful. It is fun, though.


“Host Body” – Chad VanGaalen

AMMM: Eerie. Kinda dark and towards the emo spectrum.

EB: This song is so creepy. Eww, no thanks.

NM: This is so weird. His singing is so unsettling, I kinda dig it.

JB: Not my style of music whatsoever. No thanks.


“Whatchyoudundun” – Sandie Black

AMMM: I enjoy the mixing of genres: reggae and what I will call some kind of electronic beat. But the “whatchyoudundun” on repeat is incredibly annoying.  4/10.

EB: I actually like this. It has great beats and rhythm. I could totally see myself playing this in a chill session.

NM: That Sister Nancy interpolation is actually pretty cool. I could’ve done with a couple less chorus repetitions, though.

JB: I really enjoyed how this song started off. The beat and the way the singing came in at the beginning was great. I love reggae beats mixed into songs. The lyrics could be improved, though.


“Thunder (Official Remix)” – Imagine Dragons, K.Flay

AMMM: Mmmmm. It would pass under my radar really. Oblivious to this.

EB: NO. I refuse to listen to any remix of this garbage.

NM: What’s worse than an Imagine Dragons song? A generic remix of an Imagine Dragons song.

JB: Honestly, I think the remix really improved this song. Still not a fan of the actual song itself, though.


“The Last of the Real Ones” – Fall Out Boy

AMMM: What?! Fall Out Boy still exists? WHATTT!?!?! I thought Pete and Ashlee Simpson had gotten married, had a kid, and disappeared from the public eye. The song sounds like them but pop-ier. Not a fan.

EB: I guess i’m just a sucker for boybands. I approve!

NM: I forgot I was listening to Fall Out Boy for a second. Their sound has changed so completely, if it wasn’t for Patrick Stump’s voice, you’d think it was a different band. They’ll always hold a special space in my heart, but FOB haven’t put out decent music in years.

JB: Fall Out Boy is still a thing? It’s a NO from me.


“Find You” – Nick Jonas

AMMM: The hot Jonas brother! Wow, this is a crappy song. I remember when the Jonas Brothers would make my teen self go weak in the knees. I guess he still appeals to that demographic. Come on, Nick!

EB: Oh yes, go Nick go! My favourite Jo-Bro! Loving this so much.

NM: If you’ve heard one Nick Jonas song, you’ve heard them all.

JB: What a boring song. Seriously, this sounds like the most generic pop song ever.


“Feel it Still” (Recorded at Spotify Studios, NYC) – Portugal. The Man

AMMM: This is an absolutely amazing song no matter the version. Spotify Studios is always good. They make cleaner versions of songs by having less production. In this particular song, the quality of the voice and the song in itself magnifies.

EB: I frickin’ love this song. Not as good as the original, of course, but I’m still diggin’ it.

NM: I really like Portugal. The Man, they have such an original sound. Hearing the song stripped back like this is pretty cool, it gives you a better appreciation for John Gourley’s voice.

JB: Super fun! Definitely gets your legs tapping to the beat.


“Unknown (To You)”– Jacob Banks

AMMM: Yes! Fantastic. Total heartbreak song. If I was going through a breakup, this is the song that would play in the background as I ate a pint of Earnest Ice Cream and go through old pictures of my partner and I.

EB: Gosh, this song just gets me. I can totally relate to the lyrics. It’s so deep and passionate. I’ll definitely be saving this for long and lonely cold nights.

NM: This completely sticks to the conventional pop ballad format, but Jacob Banks has a really powerful voice. It’s super emotional, I’m probably going to be returning to this.

JB: Wow, what a great voice. I love this. Definitely a good song when you’re feeling sad, too. The lyrics are great.


“My Way” – Tyga

AMMM: You know the song by the same name, but sung by Frank Sinatra? This is the complete opposite of that song. If you like the Frank Sinatra song, you will hate this and vice versa.

EB: Ah, Tyga, please stop singing if you’re not gonna come out with decent stuff. Bare minimum ain’t enough.

NM: Honestly, Tyga’s last album was one of the least awful records of his career, but this is trash. He’s not even trying, he’s just riding the Kanye trend. And interpolating Nelly for some reason? Nelly’s words are too good for this song.

JB: This song just makes me shake my head. He says “yeah” about 1000 times in this song. Again, it’s a definite ‘no’ from me.

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