Stuff we like and don’t like

(Elena Hsu / The Peak)

By: Edna Batengas

Things we like: Intersectional feminism

Intersectional feminism is feminism that is inclusive of all issues and forms of discrimination that women face surrounding race, sexuality, LGBTQ+ issues, and disabilities. Not all women have the same privileges: think of women of colour, gender-queer women, transgender women, non-heterosexual women, and disabled women. They all experience misogyny differently from cis straight white women, and that’s why it’s important to be as inclusive as possible to these minority groups. As women of colour, we should all love intersectional feminism because it supports and takes into account the issues and needs of women of all races, classes, sexualities, genders, and so forth.

Things we don’t like: White feminism

Prime examples of white feminism at it’s best (worst) would be the likes of Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, and Taylor Swift. These women claim to be feminists, yet constantly disregard any issues pertaining to race or class. I’m not saying that all caucasian feminists are white feminists, but most of the time white feminism prioritizes their issues over everyone else’s. The premise of white feminism is that it is centred around issues that usually only white women encounter. It mostly ignores factors such as race, sexuality, and disability. White feminists may not have male privilege, but they often tend to disregard their other privileges. We don’t like white feminism because it lacks intersectionality which leads to a large population of women being oppressed and ignored.

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