Board Shorts

The IEC will oversee the upcoming election of the SFSS board of directors.

Special General Meeting Agenda

At the SFSS Annual General Meeting on October 22, not every student who wished to vote on the Build SFU motions was able to do so. In light of this, the SFSS board will host a Special General Meeting (SGM) on January 19 to revisit the two Student Union Building motions.

The SGM will also consider two other agenda items which require the membership’s approval: the declaration by the SFSS of an official position on the existence of Greek Life on campus, and a reallocation of funding from the Space Expansion fund to a Degree Completion fund for international undergraduates  who would otherwise be unable to complete their degree due to increasing international undergraduate fees.

The Greek Life question has been an ongoing discussion at SFU, which does not support fraternities or sororities on campus. At a Town Hall held earlier this month, many students in attendance expressed their support for Greek Life. By officially polling the students at an SGM, the SFSS will have a more concrete idea of levels of support to bring to the university administration.

Establishment of Science and Business FSUs

Science and business students voted this week on two referendum questions to establish the Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) and the Business Administration Student Society (BASS) as their respective Faculty Student Unions (FSU).

An FSU represents all students in the faculty, who otherwise would be solely represented by their departmental student union.

A record turnout of 757 business students voted on the BASS question, with 697 yes votes and 60 no votes. Regarding SUS, 833 science students voted, with 768 yes votes and 65 no votes.

“I’m very relieved that students actually care about [this],” said Shadnam Khan, SFSS business representative.

Now that SUS and BASS are official FSUs, the next step is to host elections for executive positions in the spring.

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