Council Chats: SFSS holds election for vacant MSA committee position

The Council discussed the best timing for the election

This is an illustration of a graphic that reads “Council Chats.” The image also has two text boxes to symbolise messages being sent.
ILLUSTRATION: Andrea Choi / The Peak

By: Eden Chipperfield, News Writer

On January 17, The Peak attended the bi-weekly Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) Council meeting via Zoom. The meeting’s agenda included an election for the open Member Services Advisory Committee seat and approval for subsisting the budget for the Residence Hall Association (RHA) trip to Whistler. 

Elections for open MSA committee seat
The business administration student society (BASS) councillor, Meha Sidhu, nominated herself for the vacant position on the Member Services Advisory Committee (MSA) for the remainder of the Council term. The MSA provides assistance and advice regarding SFSS member services, creates recommendations for the enactment of SFSS policies, and assists in the coordination of activities, departmental student union operations, and clubs. 

The vice-president of events and student affairs, Ayooluwa Adugiun, suggested postponing the election until the next Council meeting. Adugiun, who is on the MSA committee, explained, “Right now, there is an issue that we have to go through internally, which does require a previous information screen within a number of services.” The acting vice-president internal and organizational development, Ashley Flett, disagreed with the election being moved and noted, “I think it’d be a good idea to complete this election now, especially because [Sidhu] does not sit on a committee. There is some urgency to get her onto a committee [ . . . ] I want to ensure that she gets at least one committee per this Council policy.” If councillors fail to serve on a committee during their term, they are subject to a $50 stipend reduction

Sam Killawee, molecular biology and biochemistry councillor, agreed with Flett, saying that holding off on the election was not a good idea based on the number of back-to-back elections in September 2023. Adugiun said they understood the chair’s decision to proceed with the election and had nothing else to add. President Feng then asked for more nominations, which no one else provided, and then they moved to pass the motion and replace BASS councillor Sidhu on the committee for the rest of the Council term. 

Funding for the Whistler trip is voted through
Vice-president of the university and academic affairs, Thomas Leuth, made an amendment to the agenda to put through a motion regarding a trip to Whistler organized by the Residential Housing Association (RHA) at SFU. Students will take buses up to Whistler Village to enjoy the day then come home in the evening. The trip is open to all students. The amendment was to approve $5,000 to subsidize the pricing for students going on the trip. The Council agreed that the asking amount of $5,000 was appropriate as it incorporated many students and the cost of transportation. The Council then voted to fund the RHA trip without any dissent. 

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