
ILLUSTRATION: Sara Brinkac / The Peak

By: Olivia Visser, Staff Writer

Panel 1: a round cream-coloured hamster with large ears sits in frame. "DID YOU KNOW" in big letters sits above it. Panel 2: The same hamster sits lower on the screen, with the text above reading "Hamsters have an eyesight of 3 inches" Panel 3: The hamster is seen from behind, looking out from behind glass. Above its head reads "which means..." Panel 4: A person with blonde medium length hair is seen from behind, looking at a glass tank with the hamster inside. "Whenever you try to get their attention..." is written above. Panel 5: The hamster's face is seen close up, with concerned looking eyebrows. The text reads "all they see is a screaming void". Panel 6: A sinister looking blurred grey face is seen amid a swirling black background. In the foreground is white text that reads "BISCUIT! BIIISCUIT! BIIISCUIT!
COMIC: Olivia Visser / The Peak

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