Student Daycare: A place for all your needs

Take a break from adulthood

Photo curtesy of wikimedia commons

Written by: Mishaa Khan, Peak Associate

School getting you all down? Do you wish you could somehow release all the frustration that your classes gave you without crying in front of 200 students at school? Well, you can!
SFU has created a student daycare to improve your wellbeing!

SFU’s Adult Daycare presents many activities:

Dress-up: Are you scared of financial instability? Do you wish you had your life figured out? Instead of worrying, you can dress up like the adults you want to be in the future. You can pretend to have a job you love, financial security, your own home, and no loans to pay off.
Price: $10 a day.

Sleeping Room: Tired of falling asleep sitting up in your lectures or trying to find places to nap on campus? Well, now you can sleep lying down in our extremely comfortable waterbed made from the tears of SFU students. We also have recordings of lecturers reading off of the lecture slides playing in the background to help you sleep better.
Price: $6/hr or an all-day pass of $30.

Arts and Crafts: We have a huge range of creative activities you can take part in. Some examples include colouring (or scribbling) on pre-printed colouring pages of failed midterms or SFU’s Twitter page, decorating your ideal 145 bus with glitter glue, or constructing a collage version of Canvas out of popsicle sticks, giving yourself the marks you truly deserve!

Board Game Room: We have a room dedicated to your favorite board and card games, but they come with a twist. They are all based on your experience at university. Snakes and Ladders? More like Assignments and Coffee. Other board games include SFU Against Students, Studentpictionary, Let’s Go Fishing Assignments, and more!  You can use your student ID to check out one board game at a time for up to 4 hours.

You can get all these services for an unlimited duration for only $200 a month!

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