SFU: “Worth the time”

Photo compiled by Chris Ho

By: Tiffany Chang

Welcome! For those of you who are new to SFU or just stopping by for a visit, you’re probably wondering where to go and if there are any interesting things to see. Well, this is your lucky day. Read on for a few ideas on how to make the best of your time here!

Burnaby Campus:

The AQ Pond: The pond is a beautiful body of water usually filled with fish. On sunny days, many students like to hang out on the grassy areas all around it. However, beware: the walkway going through the pond doesn’t have any kind of railing or barrier, so falling in is a possibility. Not only would this obviously cause you to instantly become a soggy mess if it were to happen, but the idea of potential fish bites is scary too.

Images Theatre: One of my personal favourites, Images Theatre is located in Robert C. Brown Hall just past Renaissance Coffee and Jugo Juice. It is a dark, cold lecture hall that makes everyone and everything look like they’re going to eat you. As someone who has previously taken a couple of courses delivered in this particular room, I can honestly say your mood will change once you’ve stepped inside. The atmosphere is going to give you an experience you’ll never forget! Whether it’s leaving you with an extremely eerie feeling or relief after getting out, I would highly recommend it!

Surrey Campus:

Holland Park: This park is right across the ways from the Surrey Campus. If you want to go to a nice park that looks just like every other park you’ve ever seen, why not? The park is pretty big, so I find that this is a great way to take out all of your frustrations in a public space — after a really tough exam for instance. Run around and scream your heart out!

Vancouver Campus:

Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue: This might seem a bit confusing for some folks. There are several different locations that make up the Vancouver campus. Morris J. Wosk Centre is absolutely stunning. I kid you not, just walk up to the building and stare at the front entrance. It’s that mesmerizing. Make sure to plan. You’ll be spending a couple of hours staring. Bring a chair and a cold drink, and just sit yourself on the sidewalk. Don’t worry about the passersby who give you weird looks.

Thank you for choosing SFU! Come back again soon!

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