Shows to see at the Cultch this February

A selection of recommendations to satisfy your need for drama

(Image courtesy of the Cultch)

By: Alex Bloom

Jabberwocky — February 6–17 at the York Theatre

(Image courtesy of the Cultch)

Presented by the Old Trout Puppet Workshop, this is a theatrical experience like no other you will see this year. The Globe and Mail described it as a “. . .disturbing . . . live-action cartoon.” and the Cultch’s event listing for it begins with an ominous question: “Beware the Jabberwock . . . is the frantic warning inscribed to us in the strange and ancient poem known as Jabberwocky . . . but what monster does it actually mean?” This show follows an anthropomorphic hare on his quest to rid the land of the looming presence of the Jabberwocky. It deals with the themes of fear, purpose, and societal pressure. This mix of puppet show and play is firmly for adults, and it would be a shame to miss this unique performance.

Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz by Anne Coulter Martens — February 8–10 at the Historic Theatre

(Image courtesy of the Cultch)

You know it and you love it (or hate it). This classic tale is coming to the Cultch in February, so click your heels together and think of Kansas. This cherished story is sure to bring on nostalgia for many, and is appropriate for all ages. If you loved the adventures of Dorothy as a child, or indeed as an adult, then this show is for you. Note: This is a community production and is not a part of regular programming at the Cultch.




No Foreigners — February 7–17 at the Vancity Culture Lab

(Image courtesy of the Cultch)

Presented by Hong Kong Exile and fu-GEN Theatre in association with Theatre Conspiracy, this interdisciplinary performance explores the experiences of the Chinese diaspora. Written by David Yee, winner of a Governor General’s Award, this piece “investigates malls as racialized spaces of cultural creation and clash . . .” according to the Cultch’s website. This multimedia show is truly a collaboration between different kinds of artists, and will feature performances, miniature design, various media elements, and sound design. Don’t miss this 21st-century examination of community, cultural identity, and what it means to live abroad.

Broken Tailbone — February 13–24 at the Historic Theatre

(Image courtesy of the Cultch)

Presented by Toronto-based Nightswimming, this piece will show you the meaning of audience participation. It includes a Latin American dance lesson, during which the instructor will tell you stories. Topics discussed will include “intimacy, politics, culture, and the forgotten origins of the salsa,” according to the event description. This is sure to be a performance far from your average theatre experience. If you love dancing this one is a no brainer, and should be at the top of your list.

Pss Pss — February 20–March 4 at the York Theatre

(Image courtesy of the Cultch)

Presented by Switzerland’s Compagnia Baccalà, this acrobatic performance won the Cirque du Soleil prize (among other awards). Apart from being physically impressive, the show promises comedic delight. Taking influence from silent movie-era greats like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, this piece brings the black-and-white movie to the world of stage. If you enjoy classic movies, clowning, or physical comedy, than this show is sure to be a favourite.



For more information regarding showtimes and tickets visit the Cultch’s website.

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