Minutes from January 18th


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2017
The Peak offices
Chair: Jessica Pickering

In Attendance:

  • Maia Odegaard (Board Secretary, non-voting)
  • Max Hill (Editor-in-Chief)
  • Jessica Whitesel (Collective Rep)
  • Nathan Ross (Collective Rep)
  • Jessica Pickering (Employee Rep)
  1. Call to Order: 5:31
  2. Appointment of Chair: Jessica Pickering
    All in favour
  3. Approval of Agenda
    Jessica P./Jessica W.
    All in favour
  4. Approval of past minutes from December 28, 2016
    Jessica P./Max
    All in favour
  5. Financial update
    Maia presented the budget to date, noting that we are over budget with contributor pay and we are missing the GSS student assessment for the fall semester.
    No vote
  6. Promotions Coordinator summer 2017
    The current Promotions Coordinator will be stepping down from her position over the summer and the Board has decided to hire a permanent replacement. Going forward, all requests for temporary leave of absence will be denied unless otherwise appealed to the Board.
    Jessica W. / Max
    All in Favour
  7. Chequeroom.com inventory system
    Jessica W. brought forward a proposal for The Peak to invest in an inventory system
    BIRT a committee comprised of Max Hill, Jessica Whitesel, Alexa Tarrayo, and Adam Madojemu meet to discuss alternative methods of better tracking our inventory.
    Jessica P./Nathan
    All in favour, 2 abstentions
  8. Online article removal policy
    Policy is incomplete. Motion tabled until next meeting.
    No vote.
  9. Constitution update
    Maia met with the constitutional lawyer and confirmed that we can halt the progress of the draft constitution and begin again. He also confirmed that the GSS cannot continue to withhold their portion of the student assessments.
    Board members will review current draft and legal versions of the constitution and bring back their thoughts on what to keep, strike, amend.
    No vote
  10. Renewal of the Business Manager’s contract
    BIRT the business manager’s contract be renewed for one year with a 15% raise.
    Jessica P./Max
    All in favour
  11. ACP Mid-Winter Conference
    Costs will likely be comparable to the LA conference last year (~$1300 per person)
    No attendees who are on track to graduate/don’t intend to apply for an editorship
    We won’t advertise how many people we are sending as it may influence who applies
    BIRT Max and Jessica W. will review all applications for delegates. The deadline to apply January 27. Decisions made by Monday, January 30.
    Jessica P. / Nathan
    Jessica W. and Max abstain, all in favour
  12. Lanyard purchase
    Maia will order new swag once the logo redesign is finalized.
    No vote
  13. In camera session: 7:08-7:15
  14. Adjournment: 7:15
    Jessica P./ Jessica W.
    All in favour

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