President’s Update
SFU President Andrew Petter highlighted the search for the new chair in Technology Innovations for Youth Addiction Recovery and Mental Health. SFU, along with the John Volken Academy, the City of Surrey, and the Surrey Fire Fighters Association, have partnered to make $1.25 million available for funding.
The chair’s goal is to be able to assist youth who are recovering from substance abuse issues to be able to develop long-term solutions to their problems. They will also be working on problems that youth with mental illnesses face, and will looking into non-invasive innovations for diagnosis and recovery.
First Nations Health Authority Chair in Heart Health and Wellness
The senate congratulated SFU health sciences professor Dr. Jeff Reading on his recent appointment as First Nations Health Authority Chair in Heart Health and Wellness at St. Paul’s Hospital. This $2.5 million chair co-located at St. Paul’s, SFU, and the First Nations Health Authority will focus on First Nations cardiac health and drive research to improve health outcomes.
Reading, a Mohawk from Tyendinaga First Nations in Ontario, told SFU News that “you have discovery, treatment and advocacy in a triangle, working together and supporting each other.” Reading believes this three-pronged approach should be replicated across Canada.
Reading says that one of his main goals is to create “optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health” for future generations of First Nations peoples.