Woohoo, boohoo


Woohoo: automatons

I am so okay with automatons, i.e. robots, being a thing. They’ll probably only make life better, or at least maintain the status quo, for everyone in the future. And by “everyone,” I include the automatons who will eventually assume citizenship status.

What reason do we have to fear robots aside from fearing being intellectually inferior to another species? The curiosity behind this idea will surely always exist with or without robots, and shouldn’t stop us from advancing technology.

We need to trust that automatons will be designed to do good. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But ‘Good’ is an arbitrary concept created within societies! We can’t program ‘good’ as much as we can’t program ‘happy’!” Friends, I agree.

We have to believe these beings with superior intelligence will know what’s best for everyone. At least, surely, intelligent beings couldn’t justify destroying other sentient beings, right?

Humans can’t, and we’re pretty smart.

We all need to just relax. By the time robots live among us, they’ll have convinced us that it doesn’t matter, anyway.

Boohoo: autocorrect

On the other hand, this lower form of technology that I, for one, struggle with everyday has done no favours for the human/automaton races. Not only does it make typing frustrating as hell, it symbolizes technological apathy.

By autocorrect, I mean a phone’s automatic process that corrects misspelled words, replacing them with words typed in the past or typed frequently. For me, this often translates to missing one letter in “cool,” and it being corrected to one way I emphatically spelled it in the past: “coooooooooool.” Shenanigans result.

Keyboards simply don’t work on touchscreens, and autocorrect serves as a daily reminder of that fact. Continuing to struggle with it every day also represents a reluctance to change to technology that isn’t spoon-fed.

Want a great typing system? Check out the keyboard alternative 8pen. Learn to use this intuitive system, and let’s make cool, freeware systems such as this the norm.

While you’re at it, erase Windows 8 and download Linux, the freeware software designed for the people by the people. If something is broke, and no one is fixing it, then we users need to find something better.

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